Kirby sporting my Tom Ford's while lounging on my chair. |

As we enter August, there is still little relief from the heat except at night. There are a number of ways to cool can sit in the A/C, jump in the pool, or have a refreshing drink of Hoopers (this is my drink of the Summer). For our 4-legged furry friends, it's not always that easy. So what can you do to add some relief from the heat?
Bring on the pupsicles! These treats are easy to make, take only a few minutes (plus freezing) and your dog will love them. I've made two different kinds and I think Kirby may like them more than I like my Hoopers.
1) Peanut Butter & Banana
Mash 2 bananas. Mix in 1/2 cup of peanut butter. Pour into your ice cube tray. Add a tiny treat (I use mini milk-bones) and freeze. Pop them out and give to your pup.
2) Yogurt and Apple Sauce
Mix a cup of yogurt (I use vanilla) with some apple sauce. Pour into an ice cube tray. Add a tiny milk-bone and freeze.
You can also make these with watermelon and blueberries, and even chicken broth. Your dog will love them because they are cold and delicious. I wonder if dogs get brain freeze like humans do?
My sister's Bullmastiff, Lucy on the left and my Cockapoo Kirby on the right. They anxiously await these treats. Lucy tends to gulp hers down in 2 chomps but Kirby likes to lick and savour his treat.

Another relief I've found for Kirby is a kids pool. Although we have a pool, he doesn't like it much unless he's on a float. The kids pool is perfect as he can touch the bottom, lay down and drink the water.
It's important to keep your pets cool in the Summer. Try making the Pupsicles and hosing your pooch down when outside. Make sure there's plenty of shade in your yard. Most importantly, leave your pet to enjoy the A/C at home while you run errands. Hot dogs belong on a BBQ...not in a vehicle!
Enjoy the rest of Summer. Stay cool!